PPP009 - Deprescribing with Amy Page
Image from University of Western Australia http://www.web.uwa.edu.au/people/amy.page
Jane chats to Amy Page, Consultant Pharmacist and PhD candidate at the University of Western Australia.
Jane talks to Amy about:
- What “deprescribing” means in practical terms
- The optimal time to consider ceasing a medicine and how deprescribing is like smoking cessation.
- Patient acceptability, pharmacist and doctor willingness and other potential barriers to deprescribing.
Further reading
Deprescribing in Older People (a useful primer by Amy and colleagues)
Too much medicine in older people? Deprescribing through shared decision making. (Jansen et al BMJ 2016)
Good Palliative Geriatric Practice Algorithm
Beers Criteria for potentially inappropriate medication use in older adults
You can also follow Amy on Twitter: https://twitter.com/AmyTPage